"The Glass House," designed by the world-renowned firm 1100 Architect, is both stunning and timeless. Views abound. Primed for expansion or use as an accessory structure.
986 Noyac Path, together with its neighboring parcel 988 Noyac Path, offers an amazing opportunity to own two adjacent properties, each on 2.9 private acres and each with its own architecturally significant residence. Buy them both and create the ultimate Hamptons compound.
Each home offers complete privacy with endless possibilities. Imagine living in a marvel of modern design, while dreaming up and creating your own significantly larger home with all infrastructure in place.
By far, this is the best value in the Hamptons for improved land with significant architectural pedigree. Extensive expansion potential. The location is an East End trifecta: easy access to three prime villages, ocean and bay beaches, and farm fields.
Privacy, exclusivity & room to dream, coming soon. Exclusively part of the CeeJackTeam stable of Exceptional Listings.
For further details, click here.
Jack and Cee both come from service-oriented backgrounds- fashion and art- which gives them specialized tools for working with savvy clients and customers. This discerning eye for detail, quality and value produces excellent results and homeowner satisfaction.